Project value
Weeks to build
With our 105+ year history in Brisbane, Hutchies was proud to be awarded the contract to undertake the refurbishment of the 215 Adelaide Street building – which is bordered by Adelaide Street, Edward Street, Post Office Square and Rowes Lane – in parallel with the rejuvenation of iconic heritage-listed Rowes and Rothwell buildings which were built 1895.
The distinctive interior green wall feature pushed the boundaries in terms of gaining maximum ‘bang for buck’ and early production of the individual planting panels allowed off-site planting to commence well before the site installation date. This allowed maximum plant growth and a bigger, fuller stock at completion with no additional costs to the Client.
The refurbishment included many high-class finishes, including a sizeable volume of stone, which provides a dramatic visual impact through its prominence throughout the building. The ability to use such a significant quantity of high-end material was made possible through Hutchinson Builders’ rigorous cost control processes.
As is often the case when working within heritage listed buildings, information about the existing building services was either minimal or completely absent, presenting a raft of challenges and compromising the ability to accurately and efficiently schedule works far in advance. Despite this challenge, services remained operational to existing tenanted areas throughout construction and the project was completed with no HSE reportable issues or unexpected disruptions.
Works included the structural modelling and ultimate removal of 400m² of office tower podium slab, demolishing and remodelling of more than 900m of façade and awnings along Adelaide Street (over bus ways) and over Post Office Square (over the Central train station pedestrian corridor). All of this was undertaken whilst the building remained fully operational within one of Brisbane’s busiest pedestrian and public transport corridors.

2015 QMBA Awards Queensland Refurbishment/Renovation over $1M
2015 QMBA Awards Brisbane Refurbishment/Renovation over $10M
2015 AIB Professional Excellence in Building Awards Queensland Commercial Construction $10M-$50M