Project value
Weeks to build
Car spaces

Hutchies was proud to deliver this important piece of public infrastructure to support the new Maroochydore City Centre. The Lightning Lane ParknGo provides 294 car spaces in the heart of the CBD, with EV chargers, two retail tenancies, end of trip facilities, a state of the art Skidata carpark management system, automatic waste collection system, 2 passenger lifts, and 80kW of solar.
There were site constraints during construction due to the centrally located property with narrow roads and a neighbouring building right to the boundary. Hutchies’ team overcame by leasing the neighbouring site, owned by Unity Water, for our construction compound, closing down roads and foothpaths for scaffolding, laydown, concrete pours and truck deliveries with minimal disruption to the community. Hutchies achieved on time delivery of the project, despite experiencing delays with in ground works and weather delays.