Project value
Weeks to build
Olympic swimming pool
The new 2nd World War Memorial Aquatic Centre on Rockhampton's Southside is a landmark for both the Rocky community and regional Queensland. It's the first of its calibre outside of the south east corner designed and built to FINA Olympic Standards.
Queensland is now home to two facilities of international competition quality thanks to this new aquatic centre. Also included in the design of the pool are FINA International Standard water polo capabilities.
The Rockhampton Southside Memorial Pool was an existing aquatic complex that was constructed in the 1960s and had been relatively untouched since its original construction. The improvement project involved the construction of a new 50m x 10 lane heated Olympic size swimming pool adjacent to the existing 55 yard pool. As part of the construction there was also a range of external works that were included, such as concrete concourses, fencing, landscaping beds and light poles.
Being a design and construct project, the design called for an innovative design and methodology for the new 50m pool and associated works within the specifications. The design was intended to increase community access to aquatic competition and training facilities within Rockhampton.
Swimming pools like Rocky's, and particularly construction within existing aquatic centres, are extremely complex projects. They typically involve a high level of engineering and systems integration with extremely low tolerances to be maintained through construction and delivery.