Project value
Weeks to build
Modules p/day

Hutchies is proud to be working with the residents of the Lismore area and the NSW Government to fast track emergency relief housing for flood affected families in the Northern Rivers region. This devastating and unprecedented natural disaster displaced thousands of people almost overnight.
The project is extremely close to Hutchies’ heart, we’re honoured to be playing our part in helping create new foundations through secure and safe accommodation for locals. We’re delivering hundreds of homes, created from over 730 individually crafted modules that are all fully designed and built by Hutchies.
We drew on our experience gained on other similar insitu and modular accommodation projects, using tried and tested design and construction techniques to maximise efficiency and quality of these new homes. The flexible design of Hutchies’ modules begins with a single studio configuration, which contains each home’s base services, and then can be expanded with a standard ‘bed module’ to increase individual capacity as required. This design ensured each home could accommodate any size family.
The modules are being built offsite in Hutchies’ Toowoomba Modular Yard and transported to the Northern Rivers ready for installation by Hutchies’ on site teams. In a partnership with Corrective Services NSW, Hutchies developed a ‘flat pack’ concept using 50 of the modules. We individually packaged all of the parts and created an interactive assembly manual, which were shipped to two prisons in NSW for assembly by inmates for skills creation, with training from Hutchies’ Site Managers.
Around six new residential villages will be created across the Lismore region using fast tracked relief accommodation. One of the largest new master planned communities is in Wardell, which is a greenfield site where Hutchies is undertaking all the required insitu civil and infrastructure creation required for a new residential area.
The new Wardell village includes beautifully landscaped areas with parks, sporting fields, central BBQs, play areas and a yarning circle. Special modules for on site managers, security, laundries and other amenities including a community health building will also be built in the village. There will also be a site specific school facility built for the residents of the Wardell village.
Work is well underway with 10 individual modules being produced per day at our Toowoomba Modular Facility for the last 4 months. The modular construction phase of the project will be completed within 5 months from start to finish, with on site works due to be completed in the ensuring 2 months.
SeanLees,TeamLeader,HutchiesWhen you’re producing a product where you’re literally taking someone out of a tent and putting them into a safe home that’s going to put a roof over their children’s head, that’s amazing.
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